DMM group


    合同会社 establishes a new company, DM2C Studio Co., Ltd., in preparation for making full-scale entry into the web3 business

    Various web3 projects are planned to be developed by taking advantage of group synergies

    シェア LLC. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Chairman and CEO: Keishi Kameyama; hereinafter "DMM") announces the establishment of a new web3 business company, DM2C Studio Co., Ltd.


    In addition to operating "", a comprehensive service site with 39.14 million members(*1), DMM currently operates more than 60 businesses.

    We will utilize our accumulated knowledge in the development and operation of web services and in the entertainment field, including games, animation, and manga, to build a token economy based on its proprietary tokens.

    In recent years, laws and regulations for businesses using crypto assets have been established worldwide.
    Japan has been a world leader in clarifying the legal status of crypto assets and operating a crypto asset exchange business license.
    Japan's regulations were so strict that it was even called the "closed country in web3".

    Recently, however, Japanese regulations are being reevaluated from the viewpoint of user protection.
    In addition, the promotion of web3 and the improvement of the environment around “cryptos” are being promoted as a national strategy.(*2)

    In light of these circumstances, DM2C Studio will comply with the strict Japanese laws and regulations, and will aim to enhance the sustainability of our business both domestically and globally, and to build a platform that allows users to use our services without any anxiety.

    We plan to deploy a diverse range of products in our web3 economy as follows:

    • Develop and operates GameFi projects and GameFi platform
    • Various Fan Token projects
    • Various SocialFi projects
    • Building a web3 platform centered on our proprietary wallet and membership base
    • Co-creation projects with web3 entrepreneurs, communities and creators
    • web3 projects leveraging the assets of DMM Group

    As a first step, we have begun development of GameFi and aim to release the blockchain game "Kanpani☆Girls RE:BLOOM" around summer 2023.
    We will also develop and operate a safe and secure web3 platform in cooperation with DMM Bitcoin Co., Ltd., which is our affiliated company.
    More details about the project will be made available through pre-releases and white paper disclosures.
    For your information, each project is still in the conceptual stage, and the planning and release dates are not finalized.

    ▼ About "Kanpani☆Girls RE:BLOOM”

    (*1) As of February 2022
    (*2) References: 

    1. “Basic Policies for Economic & Fiscal Management and Reform 2022” 
    2. “METI established "Web 3.0 Policy Promotion Office in Minister's Secretariat”
    3.  "Digital Agency established "Web 3.0 Study Group”” 

    About Newly Established Company

    Company Name

    DM2C Studio Co., Ltd.


    Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower 24F, 
    3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan

    Board of Directors

    CEO : Toshiaki Kasamatsu 
    Director : Tatsuya Sato
    Director(CTO) : Nagato Kasaki
    Director : Yasuo Sasaki
    Auditor : Kotaro Watanabe(Kotaro Watanabe C.P.A Office)

    Initial Capital

    ¥ 10,000,000

    Shareholders and Shareholding Ratio

    DMM 100%

    Main Business

    1. Issue and manage our tokens
    2. Plan, develop and operate web3 services
    3. Consulting for web3 services
    4. Contracted development of web3 services

    About LLC.

    We have been operating "", a comprehensive service site with 39.14 million members*.
    Since its establishment in 1998, we have developed more than 60 services, including video distribution, FX, English conversation, games, solar power generation, and 3D printing.
    We have also entered the aquarium business in Okinawa and managed a soccer club in Belgium.
    Since 2018, we have also been strengthening our support for young entrepreneurs, and investing through "DMM VENTURES" and actively pursuing M&A opportunities.
    We will continue to challenge new businesses, repeating change and evolution in line with our corporate message, "A future that everyone wants to see.”
    * As of February 2022

    Corporate website:


    • For inquiries Public Relations Department

      Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower 24F, 3-2-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
      TEL:03-5797-8926(Weekdays 10:00~19:00 JST)
      Press Release:




    • 合同会社




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